by admin | Sep 3, 2018 | Tax Updates
MOST RECENT UPDATE ON TRABAHO BILL: A SUBSTITUTE BILL ON TRAIN 2 Dear Clients & Friends, We are sending the following relevant tax updates for this week, for your reference and information: BIR MEDIA RELEASE ON PUBLICATION OF TOP WITHHOLDING AGENTS The BIR has... by admin | Aug 27, 2018 | Tax Updates
COA ASKS QC GOVERNMENT TO FILE CHARGES VS. DEVELOPERS FOR UNPAID BUSINESS TAXES + SUPREME COURT UPHELD BIR RMO TAXING ALLOWANCES & OTHER BENEFITS OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Dear Clients & Friends, We are sending the following relevant tax updates for this week,... by admin | Aug 20, 2018 | Tax Updates
QC BPO CHARGED WITH TAX EVASION FOR FILING EFPS WITHOUT PAYMENTS + BINAY SEES MAKATI CITY’S 2018 REVENUE TO EXCEED TARGET Dear Clients & Friends, We are sending the following relevant tax updates for this week, for your reference and information: SEC LEGAL... by admin | Aug 17, 2018 | Tax Updates
TRAIN REVENUE EXCEED TARGET IN FIRST SEMESTER + BIR ON BIR FORMS 0619-E & 0619-F + BIR MEDIA RELEASE ON THE ALLEGED DELAY IN REMITTANCE OF TAXES & CONTRIBUTIONS OF ITS EMPLOYEES Dear Clients & Friends, We are sending the following relevant tax updates for... by admin | Aug 6, 2018 | Tax Updates
QC BPO CHARGED WITH TAX EVASION FOR FILING EFPS WITHOUT PAYMENTS + BINAY SEES MAKATI CITY’S 2018 REVENUE TO EXCEED TARGET Dear Clients & Friends, We are sending the following relevant tax updates for this week, for your reference and information: SEC...